Reader message

myimaginedairybeard asked:

In Brothers Chosen, how would other borrowers react to the trio? Oz? Jake? Imagine Sam and Dean trying to calm down one after catching them, trying to convince them they’re not going to hurt them or keep them as pets… Stan make it a little harder though. P.S. I noticed that Stan and Arthur look really similar- fire red hair, really pale, green eyes. But that’s just a coincidence, right…?


xD This is actually the second time one of my character designs has been compared to one of @nightmares06‘s characters, and I swear it’s not a conscious thing. Stan Baker’s character was designed somewhat on a whim since he was never meant to be fully developed at first. Any resemblance between Stan and Arthur is purely coincidence!


Stan would actually also fit into the 1997 The Borrowers movie with that bright red hair and freckles!


Oscar would be nervous about the three of them right off the bat, but that isn’t very different from how he usually is around new people. He’d be trying to run away from Sam and Dean the best he could, and then he would be very very confused about Stan. Then, once the confusion wore off a little, he would practically cling to the other smol for some comfort in the face of that Winchester Intensity. They loom without trying.

Jacob would be weirded out by Stan, but it would also make him pause enough to listen. So long as he doesn’t manage a good jab with his iron nail, I think it’d be easy to smooth over any misunderstandings (which is kinda rare when Dean and Jacob are up against each other, tbh).

2 thoughts on “Reader message

  1. Anonymous

    So not sure if someone ask this ,but is it possible a Little (or Borrower) would have the ability to create illusion?
    Sort of like Zoroark from Pokemon ( if ur familiar of the franchise or that Pokemon)


    1. You’re the first one to bring it up!

      A borrower definitely could, but their ability would be more a mental manipulation on the person they’re making see that illusion. Actual creation of an illusion like that would be a strain on the borrower, though some of the stronger ones could pull it off with a lot of practice. Even then, it’ll end up being easy to see through if a person knows where to look, or if they put their hand through it. I’ll make a post just for this one and add it to the list!


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