COM – What the Hell 2


Commission for @torchmlp and @samwinchesterseyes​!

Torch and samwinchesterseyes wanted a continuation of the sizeshifter Sam AU, so here we are!

Sizeshifter!Sam AU

Word count: 1907

Together, the Winchesters were able to piece together the events of that night.

Somehow, Sam had grown to a giant, and stopped the werewolf in its tracks. Restrained the werewolf long enough for Dean to dart in, sinking his silver knife into its throat, taking out the threat.

After that, Sam somehow lost his giant stature, diminishing to just a few inches in height. Dean had tracked him down, and pocketed him for safe-keeping.

“I can’t believe you stuck me in a pocket,” Sam muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose with a thumb.

Dean sent him a side-eyed look, both hands firmly on the wheel of the Impala as they got the hell out of dodge. The last thing they needed was the authorities showing up to a bloody murder scene in a demolished house. As guilty as that would make them look, they’d be lucky if they could pull off an escape before getting thrown in jail.

The night was dark, the sun fallen beneath the horizon long ago. Dean had only stopped at the motel long enough to toss their bags in the back, not bothering to check out. Sam had to stay and wait for him, impatient and antsy, wondering if his strange affliction was over or if it was just beginning.

“Where else was I supposed to put ya?” Dean said defensively. Mirth glinted in his eyes, full of adrenaline from their successful case. “It’s not everyday I find myself a fun-sized brother!

Sam’s face turned red at the idea. “Not funny, Dean!”

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COM – Old Scraps


Commission for @theskylarksings!

This one is a request for mouthplay, and I chose to go with the Brothers Forgotten pair (from the 2017 contest)!

Sky gets to decide it it’s canon or not, and I hope you love it! 

Word count: 979

Warnings: mouthplay, no vore

Commissions are open!

Motion caught Sam’s attention out of the corner of his eye, and he sent a flat look towards his older brother. “What the hell is it this time,” he sighed, resigned to Dean’s constant fidgets.

In all fairness, the giant had never learned restraint like Sam had. Growing up in the wilderness, alone and abandoned mistakenly by his family, Dean had made do on his own. He’d survived against all odds, managing to not become the monster he was slated to become by the witch who cursed him.

Changed into a giant, separated from his family, simply assumed that he would lose touch with humanity and go feral.

Instead, years later Sam had stumbled across him while hunting for a giant, who had been hunting for the actual monster in the area, following his own code of morals to help people, even those that condemned him.

Dean froze under Sam’s scrutiny, his pinky in the corner of his mouth worrying something there. He slowly removed it, his ears faintly flushed.

“Just… something in my teeth,” he muttered, turning away from Sam.

“Hey!” Sam didn’t like the look on Dean’s face. More self-conscious than normal. He slid off the hood of the Impala, leaving his laptop open next to his bag and forgetting about both promptly.

Anyone that came out here to steal a laptop out from under a giant’s nose had another thing coming.

“What’s the matter?” Sam put his hands on his hips, briefly feeling like he was occasionally scolding a kid when Dean started acting oddly.

Dean glanced at him, fiddling absently with his hands in his lap. “That’s it,” he protested stubbornly. “Got something stuck in my teeth, can’t get it out.” He flared out his fingers and wiggled them at Sam. “See?”

None of the fingernails were more than nubs, and Sam had a sudden realization that Dean, without access to a lot of quality of life items, likely chewed them short if they got too long. As such, he was left without a nail to help him free– whatever it was.

Sam sighed. I’m going to regret this.

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COM – What the Hell


Commission for @torchmlp​!

Torch requested a whole new AU where Sam and Dean discover a shocking surprise– Sam’s a sizeshifter!

New Sizeshifter!Sam AU

Word count: 1588

Warnings: Minor character death

Commissions are open!

Following Dean’s gesture, Sam took the right and Dean went left, both scoping out the downstairs of the house they were in.

This abandoned house was marked on their map as the most likely location of a lone werewolf’s lair. Each missing person in town over the last few months had gone missing within a mile radius, no one remembered anyone coming or going from this house but reports of the lights on at odd hours had come into the police station, and, most important, the missing person’s reports all came in during the full moon.


In. Out.


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